Monday, 6 January 2014

What I do when the XDA build server #2 is down.... (PART 2)

So what have I been working on?

1. Tegra-Sleeper 

This is a direct port of flar2's MSM sleeper from his ElementalX kernel. What does this do? Simple. It basically limits each CPU's maximum freq to the user-input-scroff-freq using a modular interface. It's almost perfect already. At least the CPU stats tell me so. However it still needs some refining and a proper sysfs interface. Documentation, if it really is necessary will be updated in the  kernel source and in this blog.


I was thinking of building AOSPAL for grouper (it's not getting much love :( ). And guess what? IT FAILED! :D Cool, right? As soon as the server is up (which should be soon) I'll get it working (hopefully) and if it *does* work out, I may become a grouper maintainer, and you know what that means? (HINT: weekly doses of awesomeness) :D

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Now this i like, an honest opinion about things you barely see in the communities or xda( the CM part). I myself never post on xda, i flash every ROM known to grouper since i got my hands on this lovely piece of technology and when i find something useful that apply to other i do it usually trough a pm or on g+. Your interest in the N7 gives me hope that i wont keep my recovery lazy and for that i send you all my appreciation, its an aging device for some but IMO if it aint broke why fix it and lets be honest, not everyone has the ca$h to upgrade every year, thats why we try to squeeze every possible working day out of our devices. For your thoughts and your work \ i thank you. Dont let the bad times give you sorrow, dont let the good times let you forget about brethren in bad times. All the best from a flashaholic and enthusiast .
